Violet Path
You are able to balance the left and right brain

Light Aspect
You are able to balance the left and right brain effectively, making time for play, creativity and work. Learn to be aware of your dreams as they are able to guide you – keep a dream journal. You have definite intuitive and healing abilities; and people benefit by being in your space. You are here to make a difference, and would benefit greatly if you use these abilities consciously. You are guided by soul and the Divine and often feel this support. You have a strong link to your spiritual essence and must integrate this into your physical life.
Shadow Aspect
You are on the threshold of transformation and change, but may be struggling with grief that comes with releasing your past identity. Think of the immense step a caterpillar makes when becoming a butterfly – it changes completely and does not even recognize itself afterwards. With this shift comes intense grief and sadness which is sometimes catalyzed by the loss of someone close to you, or even a feeling of loss of self. So often we only look deep within ourselves and shift when we go through trauma. Remember to ask for Angelic or Divine guidance and support constantly. Pray a lot. The divine help is out there all you have to do is ask. It is extremely important for you to learn to balance the spiritual and physical parts of your life.