Indigo Path
You have clairaudient, clairvoyant or clairsentient abilities.

Light Aspect
This colour indicates someone who is extremely intuitive and perceptive. You have learnt to trust your intuition and to follow it. You have clairaudient, clairvoyant or clairsentient abilities which open you up to higher and clearer perceptions. You find people are drawn to you, and tell you their problems. They Feel better after sharing with you, even if you feel you have not done anything. This is because they sense that you are able to be discerning and non-judgmental. They benefit from just being in your energy. You are focused and have a quick, sharp mind.
Shadow Aspect
You struggle to interact with others and tend towards extreme introversion. This could be your personality or just a phase you are going through at the moment. Take time for meditation and introspection; but remember that life is about finding the joy and having fun – so don’t hide for too long. Learn to bring balance into your life with both quiet and social times. Learn to open up to, and trust your intuitive abilities. You may suffer from depression and a feeling of being separate from others. This is because of the walls you have placed around yourself. Don’t isolate yourself. You have to take the first step in allowing others into your space. It will help you release the blockages and tears that will enable you to heal your heart and make you smile again. Fear is just a human’s way of trying to make sense of what they can no longer remember but know that they should know. You may be spending a lot of time in developing your intuitive abilities. You isolate yourself from the world and its distractions in your search for spiritual development and growth. This is fine, up to a point, but please do remember that you have chosen to be human to experience all aspects of life. Remember to have fun occasionally too.